Thursday, October 7, 2010

The finale of the parfait!

The parfait is successfully in the freezer for the next 6-8 hours...well technically it will be in there until tomorrow morning my time. The process of completion was not so difficult, aside from the separation of yolk and white of the eggs, which I happen to think is really nasty. The sliminess of that whole process never changes. I also managed to splatter cream all over one corner (the baking corner) of my kitchen, and I threw precious pieces of lemon peel on the floor. But all in all the whole thing took around 45 minutes and tastes quite nice. Which don't tell my mom, because "you aren't supposed to lick the batter with raw eggs" and this has 10 raw eggs, so here's praying I don't get sick. Sorry mom! The consistency is very silky and smooth thanks to the enormous amounts of cream and it looks lovely in it's form. As for the pomegranate and grenadine sauce, I will have to wait to make that until tomorrow morning just right before serving it to the 12 people who will enjoy this delicacy.

It's been a fun little journey experiencing this new dessert!

From licking the spoon to making mess,
I'm barefoot and baking in the kitchen!

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